Painting Games Lines: How Experts Mark Lines On A Gym Floor

The most important part of any athletic floor is the way that it performs both from a safety perspective and from a performance perspective. But the most beautiful part of a floor is often its game lines, graphics and markings. Facilities with basketball courts or other multi-sport courts, have been using different game line markings and graphics to enhance their facilities for decades, and they have changed as the culture has changed. Game lines and graphics remain one of the most vibrant parts of the industry, and they are important not just to make the facility look better, but also to enhance the safety and playability of every sports floor. Any facility knows, the use of a professional to install game lines and graphs is critical to make sure that the result is accurate, beautiful, and long-lasting.

Importance of Accurately Painting Game Lines in Sports Facilities

Ensuring compliance with regulations and standards

The most important part of game line markings is that they are accurate. Regardless of the sport that the game line is being applied for, it is critical that the installer know all of the requirements of the sport for which the lines are being made. Rules are constantly being changed by different governing bodies and it is critical for flooring professionals to stay on top of these changes to make sure that their clients always have the latest game line markings.

Enhancing the functionality and aesthetics of the gym floor

Not only do game lines enhance the functionality of the gymnasium floor, but they can also make a floor much more vibrant in its appearance. Game line marking is allowed for multiple sports to be played in the same space in a safe manner. The various color options available for different game line markings ensure that players will always know which court they are playing on to avoid any confusion.

Oftentimes, facilities will cut corners when applying new game line markings. The result is that they are often inaccurate and can damage the floor using non-approved adhesive materials and tapes that leave residues. It is important to properly paint the lines to reduce the potential wear and tear on the floor as well as the wear of the game lines themselves. Game lines should be a durable part of the floor and should be long lasting.

Step-by-Step Guide on How Professionals Mark Athletic Floor Game Lines

Step 1: Preparation

It is important to have a flooring professional assess the existing condition of the floor before any decision is made about applying new game line markings. Existing conditions determine the proper materials as well as the proper approach for installation. Using the right materials is the first and most important part of any game line marking installation process. Each finished floor requires a different approach, so it’s important to work with a flooring professional.

In addition to using the right materials, it is important to assess the condition of the existing floor to determine if any preparation is needed in advance of applying the game line markings. Oftentimes, small repairs will be needed to ensure proper quality is achieved when installing new game lines.

Step 2: Measuring and Layout

Once the materials are selected and the surface is prepared, the first step is to measure and lay out the game lines. This is a very precise part of the process that requires someone with knowledge of the requirements. Small mistakes that are made in the layout phase of the project can cause big problems at the end of the project or, even worse, once the facility is in use. It is important to follow the plan that is in place and to make sure that the measurements are properly adhered to. It is also important that the layout be done in some sort of “draft” fashion, whether with tape or with string, to make sure that adjustments can be made prior to paint being put on the floor.

Step 3: Painting the Lines

Once the draft layout is complete the next step is to paint the lines on the floor. Applying the paint requires installers with knowledge of how the paint should be applied, depending on what type it is and what type of finished floor it is being installed on. For some products, it is critical that the first code not be installed too thick or too thin to provide the proper base for the second coat. For others, it’s critical to use a primer. It is important to use a professional flooring installer so that these considerations are all considered properly prior to game lines being painted.

The painting itself requires a different technique depending on the type of paint and type of finished floor as well. In either case, it is important to use installers who have knowledge of the type of application method that is being used. Both initial quality and long term durability require a proper installation technique.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

Once the painting is completed, the temporary or draft layout is removed. Oftentimes, when the layout is removed, there are imperfections in the game lines that are visible. It is important that these imperfections be cleaned up at this point and not left to harden over time. Depending on the type of paint that is being used, there may be a need to apply a clear coat of finish as well. The final floor finishes are a very important part of the process because they make sure that the floor is looking in its best possible shape at the moment it is turned over to the client.

Endurance Flooring Provides Top-Tier Athletic Flooring Game Lines & Graphics

Endurance has been installing top quality game line markings and graphics for years. Endurance installers have the knowledge and experience to make sure that each and every game line project comes out to the client’s satisfaction. Endurance also makes sure that each game line project is measured and installed in accordance with the relevant governing body for the various sports. Endurance has a commitment to quality and precision in everything that it does, but especially when it comes to game lines and markings. Reach out to Endurance today for free consultation on a professional game line painting solution!